World's First Silicone Sleeve for Fire Hydrants
Introducing the all new and
highly reflective silicone cap
for fire hydrant bonnets.
This fantastic new product is a 1/8” thick, colorful Silicone Sleeve that covers the Bonnets of Fire Hydrants and snaps into place as easily as applying a silicon skin cover to your cell phone. It’s that easy.
This product can be manufactured to fit a variety of Fire Hydrant Bonnets. The Silicone Sleeve is easy to snap on any Fire Hydrant and comes in ANY custom color. The colors shown in the pictures correspond with the National Fire Protection Association’s “NFPA-291 Hydrant Marking Color” industry standards.
Each Sleeve comes standard with a high-quality, 2” wide weatherproof Reflective Blue band that surrounds the entire perimeter of the sleeve. Just above this reflective blue band is another optional reflective band that corresponds to the color of the silicone sleeve itself as pertaining to the “NFPA-291 Hydrant Marking Color” industry standards. Standard Hydrant information is embossed in the silicone to assist in Left or Right opening instructions. The combination of Sleeve Coloration plus high reflectivity makes it super easy to see at night.
One other important factor is that all of the sleeves are interchangeable. If a fire hydrant unexpectedly goes bad, you can easily snap on a “Black” silicone sleeve signifying that the hydrant is inferior. This saves cities, municipalities and fire departments time and money.
Easy to use!
Easy to use and comes in National Fire Protection Association coloration (NFPA-291).
Here are the “NFPA-291 Hydrant Marking Color” industry standards. Copyright © 2006 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.
5.1 Classification of Hydrants.
Hydrants should be classified in accordance with their rated capacities [at 20psi (1.4 bar) residual pressure or other designated value] as follows.
(1) Class AA – (Blue Cap Color) – Rated capacity of 1500 gpm (5680 L/min) or greater
(2) Class A – (Green Cap Color) – Rated capacity of 1000-1499 gpm (3785-5675 L/min) or greater
(3) Class B– (Orange Cap Color) – Rated capacity of 500-999 gpm (1900-3780 L/min) or greater
(4) Class C– (Red Cap color) – Rated capacity less than 500 gpm (1900 L/min)
The tops and nozzle caps should be painted with the following capacity-indicating color scheme to provide simplicity and consistency with colors used in signal work for safety, danger, and intermediate condition:
(1) Class AA – Light Blue
(2) Class A – Green
(3) Class B – Orange
(4) Class C – Red
Weatherproof, Sun Proof,
UV Proof, Heat Proof,
And More!
Our patented product incorporates all of the qualities of NFPA-291 into a tough, weatherproof Silicone Sleeve technology that is simple to apply to any fire hydrant bonnet. Not only does this stretchable sleeve incorporate ALL of the colors listed in the NFPA-291 code, including Black (obsolete or bad hydrant), and any custom color that you want or need in keeping with your specific municipality guidelines. Our preliminary studies show that high-quality silicone is far superior to any other rubber based product because of the inherent values that silicone provides.
These include the following:
- Heat and Cold Resistant
- Weatherability, including UV Resistant (withstands direct sunlight, no color loss)
- Moisture and Steam Resistant
- Resistant to Oils, Solvents, and Other Chemicals
- Electrical Insulation
- Flame Retardancy
- Tear Strength and Tensile Strength
- Flex Fatigue Resistance
- Gas Permeability
- Any Color that you would like made. Custom Colors Available.
- And much more
RFID Technology
Can be fitted for Active or Passive RFID for near field communications (NFC)
These Silicone Sleeves can be fitted with Active or Passive RFID Labels or Chips for keeping maintenance records, etc.,
This allow Fire Departments and Municipalities, with the proper RFID readers and loaders, to load or retrieve data that pertains to each individual fire hydrant…maintenance, gallons per minute rating, last employee to service, and more.
State of the Art:
Current object localization technologies, such as GPS, infrared, and ultrasound can not identify the location of objects indoors and often have several meters of localization error. This problem is solved with Active or Passive RFID technology that we have incorporated into our Patented Design.
A Proven Technology:
Near Field Communications such as Radio Frequency Identification (or RFID) is a radio-based automated identification technology used for tracking objects, however it cannot precisely locate objects.
Key Benefits of RFID Technology:
Radio frequency signals can be read through solid objects such as walls, does not require line of sight operation and can work in dimly-lit environments.
Our Contribution:
We utilize the RFID technology to propose an approach that quickly localizes Fire Hydrants with very high degree of accuracy. This same RFID technology also allows for proper maintenance records to be kept for each individual fire hydrant.
Our solution enables “virtually all municipalities”, to access critical information and hydrants during critical times. This technology will possibly save lives, maintenance time, and more.
If you would like more information about how you can become a partner with this new PATENTED Silicone Technology, email us at info@firehydrantsolutions [dot] com.
Anything related to the National Fire Protection Association is for illustration purposes only. There is no intended harm to the NFPA. NFPA Copyright © 2006 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.